Rajarishi Jyotish

Transforming Quality of Life Through Divine Help

The Science of Yagya

Vedic Seers cognized a common source of all existence in the state of SAMADHI (deep meditation). They named this common source ADVAIT-NON DUAL. On the level of Advait there is no dualism. There, all qualities, attributes and governing forces of the universe are unified. The experience of the Advait level of Being is as a field of pure consciousness. In this field of pure consciousness exists infinite potentiality to create as well as all knowledge of creation. Hence, this is a field of pure potentiality and pure knowledge. When the field of pure consciousness moves to multiply itself, the symmetry of pure potentiality breaks down and there is a huge surge of creative vibration. Inherent in each and every vibration is the holistic knowledge of creation. This finest level of expression emerges as primordial sound, or SHABD-BRAHM in Vedic terminology, which literally means the field of pure consciousness reverberating.
RICHAS (Vedic hymns)
are the Shabd-Brahm--pure consciousness reverberating with infinite potential to create. In this way each RICHA represents a set of the most fundamental laws of nature. Every RICHA creates, recreates and regulates specific aspects of the universe and human physiology by virtue of its creative potential and holistic knowledge. Human physiology is the microcosm of cosmic physiology. For healthy and blissful functioning, the human physiology has to be in synchrony with cosmic physiology. When the synchrony breaks due to effect of human KARMA (results of action) and the rhythm of human life gets out of tune with cosmic rhythm, pain and suffering is experienced. Those aspects of the human life not in accord with cosmic flow can be located through the study of the signs, planets and constellations, which are the lively reflectors of human karmic dust. This synchrony can be restored by invoking specific laws of nature, that is to say by recitation of specific Vedic hymns which structure and regulate every grain of the creation.
Recitation of Vedic hymns with a specific purpose is YAGYA. The performance of YAGYA transforms and heals on the quantum level of being by invoking specific laws of nature to counteract the effects of negative karma; it also purifies the consciousness of the individual so that he or she can rectify the course of their life. In this way, YAGYA heals the negative past and reveals the positive future. 
produce desired effect when performed by the VEDIC PUNDITS who regularly meditate and have the direct experience of transcendental consciousness.. Yangyas are never effective if performed by pundits not doing regular meditation.

J Rajarishi

Recitation of Vedic hymns with a specific purpose is YAGYA. The performance of YAGYA transforms and heals on the quantum level of being by invoking specific laws of nature to counteract the effects of negative karma; it also purifies the consciousness of the individual so that he or she can rectify the course of their life. In this way, YAGYA heals the negative past and reveals the positive future. 
produce desired effect when performed by the VEDIC PUNDITS who regularly meditate and have the direct experience of transcendental consciousness.. Yangyas are never effective if performed by pundits not doing regular meditation.


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